Empower your people to mental fitness.

Invest in your most valuable asset – your people


How much is poor mental health costing your business?

Stress, depression and anxiety cost businesses a huge amount in lost revenue and lost productivity, as well as staff burnout and staff turnover. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Research from Deloitte shows that companies actively supporting mental health in the workplace get back £5 for every £1 spent.

Don’t leave your employees to deal with mental health challenges alone. fifty50 mental fitness coaching acts as an early intervention to help safeguard employee mental wellbeing in workplaces in London and across the UK. It’s preventative, not reactive, and designed to help you get the best out of your people, whether they are struggling or not.

Why not take positive action today?


We help your people to become mentally fit.

The fifty50 vision is to help you create a mentally fit workforce where your people can truly thrive. We partner with you to understand your culture and needs, working with your people to equip them with the skills and tools they need to strengthen their mind muscle, build resilience and sustain high performance.

Our wellbeing and mental fitness consultancy can help your employees create a strategy, assess company wellbeing, create content and help better understand your people and their needs. Please get in touch with the team in London to find out more.


A coach-first approach

We offer a range of coaching, consultancy and training packages tailored to your needs to get the best out of your people. Our on-demand coaching is tailored to each business, and we culture match a team of best-fit mental fitness consultants, delivering tangible, sustainable results for your business and your people. Whether you’re based in London or elsewhere around the UK, find out more about our mental fitness and employee wellbeing coaching package here.


fifty50 coaching benefits
for employees

  • High-performance coaching with a wellbeing lens

  • Flexible online, on-demand booking

  • Stigma-free booking service

  • A confidential service means we can get to the root cause of challenges

  • Support with career direction, purpose and values often leading employees to stay at the company when considering leaving

  • Time to talk through personal and work-based issues

  • Targets your full workforce from those struggling to those thriving

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fifty50 coaching benefits
for businesses

  • A healthier, happier and more productive workforce

  • Reduced staff turnover and the costs associated with hiring and training

  • Lower levels of absenteeism and presenteeism

  • Reduced risk of employee burnout

  • An engaged workforce who feel truly valued

  • Flexible to slide in as part of your existing wellbeing strategy or stand-alone

  • Complementary to EAPs and other in-house therapy provisions

Planned Preventative Mental Health Awareness Training for Employees in London and the UK

Partnering with fifty50 enables you to empower your people to take time out of the working day to invest in their mental fitness. Early intervention and planned proactive preventative measures with our tailored coaching programmes can make a massive difference to your workplace wellbeing.

At fifty50, we believe companies prioritising people and their wellbeing will maximise performance. Find out how we can help you to sustain your high-growth fast-paced culture and speak to our team in London today to find out more about our bespoke mental health and employee wellbeing consultation and coaching packages.