The fifty50 coaching charter


The fifty50 coaching charter provides a clear and tangible way of demonstrating what we do whilst helping companies use coaching as an early intervention tool as part of their wellbeing strategy.

Our coaches are experts in the coaching field who wholeheartedly subscribe to fifty50’s mission to help companies place mental health and fitness at the heart of workplace culture.

fifty50 coaches will never diagnose or treat mental illness.

Instead, they work to promote mental fitness and develop mentally healthy habits and goals.

All fifty50 coaches are trained to confidently and competently navigate the boundary between coaching and therapy.

What you can expect from a fifty50 coach

Our coaches shine a light in their field and naturally embody our coaching core values.


Integrity and presence

fifty50 coaches always hold themselves to the highest standards of personal integrity whilst being 100% present.


Context creation

fifty50 coaches are responsible for ‘lifting’ clients out of work mode and creating an environment that stimulates and engages.


Compassionate curiosity

fifty50 coaches inject joy and inspire laughter wherever possible, always demonstrating compassion and respect.

Professional coaching experts with lived experience and career capital

We select expert coaches from across a wide range of coaching disciplines and insist on glowing testimonials.

As a starting point, all fifty50 Partner Coaches have completed rigorous coach training, ensuring they have acquired the skills and knowledge to be effective in all aspects of their coaching work. Our coaches have been coaching for at least 3 years and are fully insured. Additionally, they all hold a valid, certified membership with at least one of the following recognised coaching bodies:

  • The International Coaching Federation (ICF)

  • The Association for Coaching (ACC)

  • The European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC)

  • British Psychological Society  (BPS)

  • Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision (APECS)

  • International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISFCP)

In addition, all coaches are required to complete our in-house fifty50 training programme before joining our coach charter. This training covers our coaching core values, coaching expectations and specific coaching tools and techniques to promote mental health learning and ensure a consistent approach to managing mental wellbeing within a coaching framework.

The final ingredients are career capital from any sector of the economy and genuine lived experience behind a deep passion for supporting mental health.

We are always excited to hear from talented coaches to join our community. If you have a passion for supporting mental health through coaching, we’d love to hear from you. Please email us at: