Proactive and preventative support that builds employee mental fitness


Why choose fifty50 coaching?



Hand-picked, professional, accredited coaches with lived experience in managing their mental fitness.

Relatable coaches who are experts in their field, bringing career capital and a deep understanding of the dynamics of fast-paced, high-pressure working environments

Trained in-house with fifty50’s ICF-accredited Mental Health Awareness training, fifty50 Partner Coaches know how to best support mental health within a coaching framework and navigate the boundary between coaching and therapy.


Online virtual sessions and in-person where required.

Outsourced booking management and full administration support.

A choice of video, phone, or walk-and-talk sessions.   

Stigma-free integration with Employee Assistance Programmes, and other therapy provisions, including Mental Health First Aid.

Online portal to access key documents.



A tailored proposition to meet your specific cultural needs as a business

In-person workshops (or virtual if preferred) to raise awareness and deepen engagement

In-depth reporting playing back insights, emerging themes and trends.

Regular meetings with your appointed Partnership Manager.


Help to educate key stakeholders on the value of coaching for mental fitness and the value of role-modelling

Ongoing training for wellbeing champions to increase awareness and engagement across the business. 

A proactive and preventative support framework that remains effective for the long term.

We lose 15.4m days to work-related stress, depression, or anxiety each year in the UK. Yet nearly 80% of UK adults feel uncomfortable discussing their mental health with their employer.

Empower your people to build mental fitness


Partnering with fifty50 enables you to empower your people to take time out of the working day to invest in their mental fitness.

Ask any professional athlete, and they’ll tell you that recovery is critical for peak performance. Our mind is no different, and we can help you to open the conversation and encourage your people to think about their mental fitness in the same way they do their physical fitness.


The power of prevention


Why wait until your people are overworked, stressed or burnt out to support them?

Early intervention and prevention with our tailored coaching programmes can make a massive difference to your workplace wellbeing.

Get in touch today to find out how we can help you to sustain your fast-paced culture.

fifty50 Coachee

“Since a recent promotion, I’ve found fifty50 coaching incredibly helpful both in terms of investing in my own personal growth and also in building my awareness to avoid burnout and deepen resilience.”

fifty50 Coachee

“I was struggling with my life, I went to fifty50 coaching, and now I’m back on track.”

‘fifty50 was born from a desire to help employers understand the critical nature of mental fitness and resilience when it comes to sustaining long-term high performance. Partnering with fifty50 enables you to prioritise your people, and their wellbeing, thus maximising company performance.’

Camilla Rogers, Founder fifty50